We ask our mobile devices to do so many things at the same time, like play music while we use other apps, or let us use an app while it downloads and refreshes data behind the scenes. Background processing is a generic term we can use to describe how all these actions occur simultaneously. In our new course, Android Background Processing , you’ll see how to take advantage of background processing in your Android apps, from doing two things at once, to having the OS do work for your app when it’s not running. We’ll cover all the basics you need to know to get started. Take a look at what’s inside: Part 1: Threads & AsyncTasks Introduction : Find out what’s covered in our Android Background Processing video course: Threads, AsyncTasks, JobScheduler, WorkManager, and Services. The Starter Project : Download the starter app, build it in Android Studio, & review the app code. See the utility functions we’ll use to make network calls & save data to storage. Multithreadin...